Nov 1966- the Air Force Civil Engineering Field Activities Center at Elgin AFB FL, needed a unit that was responsible for training replacement personnel destined for RED HORSE units in Southeast Asia.

The RED HORSE mission is to support combat air power worldwide, RED HORSE provides the Commander of Air Force Forces (COMAFFOR) a dedicated, flexible, airfield and base heavy construction and repair capability.  RED HORSE also provides many special capabilities that allow the COMAFFOR to move and support missions as the air order of battle dictates.  The standard RED HORSE capability consists of 404 personnel (engineers and support personnel) with approximately 1,000 short-tons of vehicles, heavy construction and support equipment.  This organic support allows the unit to operate independently for extended periods of time until normal supply channels are established. In addition to the standard capability, the RED HORSE special capabilities consist of approximately 2,200 short-tons, which can be tailored to meet specific construction and repair requirements. When operating in a higher threat, non-permissive environment outside a forward operating base or collocated operating base, the RED HORSE commander, in coordination with the area commander (i.e. combat arms land force commander), determines additional security requirements based on operational risk.


The 560th was activated at Eglin AFB, FL, in November 1966.  Also known as the Civil
Engineering Field Activities Center, the unit was responsible for training replacement personnel
destined for RED HORSE units in Southeast Asia.  The 560th was capable of field training 2,400
individuals each year to keep the six RED HORSE squadrons up to strength.  The 560th continued
this mission until inactivated in early 1970.